Integrate the humanness into healthcare

Because going through those surgeries? At times it felt like no one really got it and it felt disconnected.

I felt like an organ or diagnosis instead of a person.
I felt shame because something was wrong with me.
I felt myself wanting to detach from my body as a way to survive tests, procedures, and pain.
I felt a whole bunch of things that I struggled to put into words, and well, why bother?

I just had to get through it.

But I don’t accept that “that’s just the way it is”, or has to be.

What if we could change these walls? And with it, ambitiously, the healthcare system?

I’m envisioning a business where with each art print purchase, one is given to a clinic or hospital.

These prints would be a) beautiful, but most importantly b) done by patients who get it.

What if they were clearly displayed on walls for those obvious moments, but also hiding for when you need it most? Like on a ceiling when you look up during a gynecological exam? Or on the inside of the closed door when you change into that blue gown? Or in the recovery room when you wake up from surgery?

These are the moments that can make or break a human spirit.

Because we’re humans. And as humans it’s not just about sustaining life, but about what we stay alive for.

Shame, isolation, and disconnection are real issues. Maybe we could shift that, socially?

So doctors see their patients as humans too, and patients remember they’re humans too, who aren’t alone.

To integrate the humanness into healthcare.

Sooo this may be a random crazy idea I have, but if I’m not the only one who’s crazy enough to think this could make a difference, then…




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