Heartbroken, I can’t find as much beauty as I want in this world.
And I think you have it in you.
There’s something in you that needs out.
Because we get so caught up in the everyday life… We always have that last 5 lbs to lose, that addictive TV show to finish, something happening at work that makes us so busy, work to do around the house… but deep down we know that those things are just a distraction.
Secretly we’re bored. Underneath it all, we’re seeking and restless. Within us is the yearning knowing for more to this life we’re taught to live.
There’s an ache in us.
We’re the sincere, deep, meaning-of-life-over-talking-about-the-weather people. We eat up poetry and pin quotes to no tomorrow. We’re masters at containing our feelings and we carry so much with us. We stifle our fullest expression, hide our darkness and depth to be the light in this world, and leave the dreams to when we’re sleeping. We worry more when we’re happy than when we’re struggling. We pride ourselves on being logical and proper, but there’s something irrational in us that wants space and life. We’re scared of scaring people away with the intensity to which we feel, care, and desire.
But we have that something that aches within us, speaks the language of hearts, and is stuck in our minds for a reason, .
Because our something is our fire, our life force, our magic.
But we’re taught to either run from or tame this something. It’s unknown and wild. So we learn the game of life, bury our something, and start to play by their rules. This something in us is too much for people, not proper, and it isn’t what we “should” or are “supposed” to do.
We hold back…
I know because I’ve done it. And I’m unlearning to now not hold back. Luckily (and sometimes unluckily) my body tells me when I’m holding back. I eat to bury the feelings I’m trying to hide from, I’m restless at night because I’m not at peace with myself, and I grow ovarian cysts when I’m not in flow, balanced, and creating what I’m meant to create in this world. Ya feel me?
And working with hundreds of people over the years I’ve realized that our health, our happiness, our fulfilment always comes down to that something in us…
Our something will burn us from the inside if it’s not released.
But here’s the catch… Our somethings are often not “necessary” in today’s world. In fact, they’re typically not necessary. They don’t serve the purpose of math, science, medicine, technology, engineering, and business.
This something within you is the spark of your soul. It’s the highest and deepest parts of you that resonate with the space between the cells of every human. Your something can move not only yourself but others into that more. It’s art, it’s beauty, it’s passion, it’s love, it’s connection, it’s real, it’s humanity. And it is always needed. In fact, the more automated our world becomes the more we need your something. A lifetime of logic doesn’t compare to mere moments of raw feelings. The something within you is what makes you come alive, and is what us humans stay alive for. It’s what will save us all.
That’s why I ache for the world where we have all come alive with our somethings.
(And no, I can’t get more specific than “something” right now. Because each person knows what theirs is, not me… don’t deny it – you feel that something in you 😉)
When I first said to someone that I want to create beauty, not a business, I choked up. And that’s what I want us to do… create beauty.
So I dare to ask you, courageous one… Are you hiding anything in you now? What is that something in you that needs out?
Because while I’m in the messiest part of my life right now, I’ve learned that the fire of your soul, your something, can not and will not stay buried forever. It’s meant to come out and create.
You and I? We’re not going to let our something be stuck within us until the day we die. We know holding back is what haunts us…
Because we’re here to create beauty with our somethings. Can you imagine the world we’re creating?
I sure can,
Deanne Vincent
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