[Podcast] If you held your embodiment as truly sacred, what could happen?

“Don’t be afraid of being human,” said Deanne Vincent.

…thanks tips!

I was honoured to have such a delicious conversation with Joanna on her podcast and wanted to share with you!

The full podcast interview can be listened via the links below. I swear there were more intelligent things said 

Here’s what Joanna had to say about our conversation…

EP 13: WITH DEANNE VINCENT – if you held your embodiment as truly sacred, what could happen?

In a world that is disembodied, distracted, and addicted, the price we pay every day to not be truly embodied is high.

The time lost from work due to illness or overwhelm.

The stress from conflict not resolved because we’re stuck in our heads.

The emotional distress because it is simply never safe to BE without thought, identification or story.

But what if, you held your embodiment as a precious and sacred gift to be cultivated? Ongoingly!

And then, you’d get to watch the greatest gifts of creativity and peace unfold.

Imagine what that might look like in your life.




And love.

In all the flavours and quantities you desire.

What might it be like, to no longer hold your deepest embodiment outside the garden of your presence, love, and awareness any longer?

Because truly, there are two sources of growth in this life.

Love and Suffering.

And they each teach something different but totally complimentary.

And choosing to be IN your body is a form of love, of presence, of awareness.

And my next guest is well equipped, having traveled through the landscapes of all this to come to herself, her body, and now she’s ready to share that with you and the world.

Join in on this no longer negotiable discussion of embodiment with Deanne and I as we dive in and discover:

  • How to move on with your life when the world breaks your heart.
  • Why finding the sources and solutions of apathy are important if you want to deal with it properly.
  • How to minimize, treat and deal with the appearance of surgical scars, so you can feel beautiful again.
  • How integrating the mind-body-spirit can help you create the life you’ve been so desperately wanting to live.
  • Why listening to the feelings you are trying to suppress is important.
  • How to figure out if your body is holding important clues about your state of health and discover what they are.
  • Why is it important to know what important clues your body is holding so that you can be aware of your state of health.
  • Why mastering the mind-body connection is important to uncover and heal the hidden mental and emotional roots of illness. 
  • How becoming your authority instead of looking outside of you can help you find answers you seek.
  • How writing about your feelings every day can help you ease stress and anxiety.
  • How staying optimistic during hard times can help you embrace chaos. 
  • Why focusing on your diet is important when you go through surgeries or medical challenges.
  • Why you should avoid suppression of your thoughts to save yourself from serious damages to the body.
  • How putting your feelings into words is important for expressing your emotions.
  • How to deal with the things that are beyond your control so you can have a stress free life.
  • How developing a relationship with spirit can help bring harmony and peace into your life.
  • Why you shouldn’t run away from your problems and learn to relish them instead.

The face that we get to be in a body, and experience all the pleasurable and teaching opportunities it gives us is a true miracle. It is a gift.

Are you enjoying it as much as you can?

Are you using it for what it’s for?

I love this so much and hope you do too.

Thank you, Deanne, so much.

Here are the links:

Full podcast episode




All podcast episodes

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Always human,




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