Frankly, my dear, we do everything because of feeling

You know what blows my mind?


Everything we do is because of feeling.


We either don’t want to feel something; pain, shame, guilt, hurt, alone, rejection, grief, abandoned, empty, not enough, sad, unworthy, unloved, etc etc.




Or we want to feel seen, respected, valued, smart, right, understood, connected, purposeful, fulfilled, enough, happy, worthy, loved, etc etc.




We all just do things to feel better*.


*better as in typically move away from “bad” and towards “good”, one way or another.


But! We not only don’t even talk about feelings… we deny them, judge them, suppress them, and numb them, and instead overthink and pretend we’re completely rational beings.


(Spoiler alert: we’re not.)


One of my favourite quotes is Carl Jung’s “until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate.


How do we not talk about feelings and learn how to communicate and connect?

How do we not realize that we like to think it’s our minds that control what we do but they’re just the storyteller & justifier to our deeper feelings?

How do we not have emotional awareness as a part of education?

How do we not acknowledge and integrate emotions as a part of who we are and what we do every day?


Oh, right… it’s uncomfortable.


So, we judge people who are emotional, make fun of “talking about feelings”, apologize for feeling & showing our emotions, pretend they don’t exist, yet are bursting/burning inside and think you’re the only one.


(Spoiler alert: you’re not.)


This is damaging, dividing, and limiting as individuals and a species.


It’s time we stop being so afraid of feeling.


It’s just a sensation. …that drives anything and everything we do/don’t do.


Let’s, at the very least, become aware of the fact that we’re not brains attached to arms and legs.


We are humans. We feel.



a) that’s what you’re alive for and will no longer be able to experience when you’re dead, so carpe feelings, I say,

b) it’s feeling that causes us to expand and evolve as a species, so how ‘bout we become more conscious, and,

c) what else is (this human) life?


Can you imagine a world where we weren’t so afraid of feeling?!


I sure can.


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