“I was fired from a job I didn’t like, but I’m not feeling confident/ready to go all in on my business."

“I was fired from a job I didn’t like, but I’m not feeling confident/ready to go all in on my business 😞”

I got this question from my Q&D and after a personalized response to the question asker, I wanted to share it with you because I believe they’re/we’re never the only one.

If you’ve ever struggled with believing in yourself  🙋‍♀️  this is for you.


Here’s my response:

From the way you phrased this, you’re not asking a question… what it really seems like you’re asking is for permission.


Based on that, I have 3 prompts to help you find clarity about what you really want right now…


1. What if you never feel fully confident AND that was okay?

This idea that you need to feel confident/sure/unstoppable all of the time to do anything to create a successful business is holding you back.

All successful business owners are humans first. And humans wobble and have emotions and things come up — we’re not perfect in how we go about business.

But the belief that you have to be 100% confident/all-in as a prerequisite to do anything and succeed just isn’t true. It’s bullshit that your mind makes up to distract and disqualify you from simply having what you really want.

Instead, try accepting that you might not ever have complete confidence — you can have doubt, hesitations, bad days AND still succeed.

Stop tryingtryingtrying to be ready, accept that you’re not ready, because by accepting that you’re not ready means you’re ready.

2. You’ve had this business idea for a while. And I have the feeling it’s not going to go away any time soon.

You can get another job — totally cool. (One you hopefully like this time!)

And I also think your business and you doing your own thing will always be calling to you. So you might as well accept that it’s inevitable. Frankly, it’s only a matter of time before you have your own business.

Stop fighting your fate and see what wants to happen here.

3. The first thing that came up when I read your question was to ask you is “What will it take for you to go all-in on your business?” aka “What will it take for you to believe in your business?”

Because I have the feeling that you’re afraid of success and things being easy more than you’re afraid struggling and things being hard — because that’s what you know. I know the feeling well as someone who’s been through surgeries and has had health stuff keep coming up.

However, there will come a time when you’ll get fed up with your own bullshit and flip a switch. But until that point you will be more focused on the healing, trying, and on fixing and thinking about the blocks which keeps you perpetually stuck instead of simply being, doing, having, and succeeding. Recognize that it can be simple.

But I will say that staying stuck in this place of indecision, wanting but staying in the lacking, thinking “one day” and trying all the time is more painful than simply doing it.

What are you really afraid of happening? Because I promise you that you can handle it.


Give yourself permission to fail, and also, give yourself permission to fly.

Got a Q? Ask it here — it can be anonymous — and I’ll get back to you with an A.


Want personal coaching with me? I have two more spots in my one-on-one coaching before prices potentially go up. If you’re curious, have worked with me before and want to again, email me at deanne@deannevincent.com.


Ready to Unblock Your Block? I’m developing my methodology (🙌) to unblock any block in any area in your life and will be launching it likely as a new group program soon. If you’re interested in being a part of the beta group, click here to get first dibs on when it goes live.

Believing in you more than you know,




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