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Your only job in life

You are meant to be here.
You are born with a role to play in this game of life.
You have things in you that are waiting to come alive.

It can be big or small; a lover you’re meant to be with, a child you’re meant to bring to life, a business you’re meant to build, a message you’re meant to speak, an idea you’re meant to bring to life, a book you’re meant to write, a person you’re meant to inspire.

You have a calling. You have many callings.

But, your small self blocks them. Your small self does not want you to answer what calls you because then it would die.

Your small self thrives off of doubt, drama, fear, worry, judgment, separation, self-sabotage, procrastination, unworthiness.

It will numb you and try to keep you in line.
It will try to keep you safe by keeping you in survival mode.
It will run from your dreams instead of letting you sit down and do them.
It will evade what calls to you and the life you are meant to live.
It will kill you, if you let it.

Your small self hates evolution.

It feeds you fear to make you resist any progress.
It keeps you stuck in your head so you never take action.
Its survival is based on you not answering your callings.

The closer you get to opening yourself up, doing what you’re meant to do, letting yourself be loved, and dissolving all blocks so you receive love, dreams, abundance, and every beautiful thing that is meant for you — your small self screams louder than ever.

It throws itself down on the floor, it wails, it makes you worried, afraid, embarrassed, ashamed about what might happen if you ignore its cries.

But sometimes the small self is sneakier and smarter than a tantrum…

It might disguise itself as a worthless whisper in a low moment, a seed of doubt when you’re finally about to go from dreaming to doing, or a flash of your worst fear coming true right before the opposite is about to happen.

The small self never dies a slow and quiet death. It goes down with resistance, arms swinging, and pulling on you to stay down and small with it.

But the real you is deeper, always there within you.

It is more peaceful and more powerful than your small self.
It knows the truth, your truth.
It can answer what calls you.

Your only job in life is to remove what is blocking you.

The trick to being the real you and living the life you’re meant to live?
See, accept, and 
love your small self.

By loving it, with all its doubts, fears, disbeliefs, unworthiness, judgments, it loses all its power. For if intimacy and connection exists, if it is truly seen and heard, then your small self cannot exist.

Love kills your small self. And then, you are free to answer what calls you.

Get out of your small self’s way and do the things you’re called, meant, born to do.

If you want support to connect to your all-knowing, all-powerful real self and unblock the stuck areas in your life, apply to work with me.

Truth and love,




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