The one thing that differentiates those who realize their dreams from those who don't

There’s something you want to do, but you’re not doing it.

Your book.
Your youtube channel.
Your writing.
Your business.
Your art.

A dream, a longing, a calling. You were born with it. And it needs to be brought to life, or, it will kill you.

You will drink, eat, smoke, watch TV, busy yourself with work, and get sucked into endless scrolling on your phone, all to avoid facing the dreams in you and doing them. I get it. For as long as I remember I wanted to be a writer. But I held my words in. I struggled through 5 surgeries for ovarian cysts and one for a tumour. I felt small and spiralled in self-doubt. I didn’t do anything with the words I wanted to get out.

I bet you’ve been through something that disrupted your life; a health issue, a heartbreak, a challenging situation. We all face struggles. If you get stuck in them, they block you from pursuing your dreams. But meeting yourself in your struggles awakens you to more.

You know what is calling to you. 
But rising to do it is so often blocked by fear, doubt, self-sabotage, procrastination, distraction, perfectionism… all the blocks that our struggles leave us with. Holding us back. Undermining our dreams. Keeping us from rising.

I know how painful inaction is. Whenever I wanted to write and/or share what I wrote, every single doubt, fear, and logical explanation came up to stop me. My most effective saboteur: thinking and dreaming, but not doing. I romanticized my potential and how it was all going to happen “one day”… but I never actually did what I needed to do to make anything happen.

What’s your most effective saboteur?

Because between you and your dreams are demons, doubts, and dark voices that will try and stop you. Your Small Self will do everything it can so you don’t step into who you really are and do what you’re meant to do. It builds blocks within you. Your Small Self never wants you to realize how capable you are. But your Real Self knows how small and insignificant your Small Self really is. Your Real Self is full of grace, trust, and knowing. Just like the blocks are within you, everything you need is within you too.

So begins the battle between your Small Self and Real Self in order to sit down and do your dreams.

For the past five years, since starting my business, I have been afraid and doubted every. single. day. And, I have done what I used to be too scared to do and have received what I used to not think I was worthy of receiving. There’s nothing that separates me, and the success I’ve had, from you. You were born to bring your dream to life.

The only thing that differentiates those who realize their dreams from those who don’t: action. It will never happen if you don’t do it, .

That book can’t publish itself.
That youtube channel can’t make itself.
That writing can’t write itself.
That business can’t build itself.
That art can’t create itself.

You are needed. If you never do that thing, you will not only suffer at the hands of your Small Self, but you will not help all those you could. We need you.

I know you’re ready for more, can handle more, and are meant for more because of the struggles you’ve been through. You’ve awakened. Now it’s time to step into who you really are and bring what’s in you to life.

If you’re ready to not just dream, but do, I’m now accepting two one-on-one clients to specifically help them take action on that something they want to do. Together we will stop all the blocks holding you back so you bring your thing to life. If you’re interested, apply here and we’ll see if it’s the right fit.

You are capable of brilliant, beautiful things.
And it can be easier than you think.
I believe in you and am here for you.

Let the fun begin!

To dreaming and doing,




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