(Deanne word/definition)
French origin of the word “essays” meaning “to try, trial, attempt”

Self-proclaimed disclaimer: These are my thoughts. I know nothing.

Humans emotions are not mutually exclusive

Humans emotions are not mutually exclusive

  This time of year can be so damn full and social, but at the same time it can leave us feeling empty and alone.   There are wonderful magic and heartbreaking sorrow. There are rampant emotions and survival detachment....

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It’s time to trust ourselves again

It’s time to trust ourselves again

As kids, we learn that everyone else has the answers.   The teacher has the right or wrong solution in school. There are stats and studies that tell you exactly what to eat and how to optimally move. There is the...

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We learn this lie from the world

We learn this lie from the world

We learn at a very young age what the world wants of us. We learn what behaviour is expected, encouraged, and praised. We learn what parts of ourselves are accepted. We learn what gives us the love we so badly want. And...

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This bubble has burst

This bubble has burst

A bubble has burst and it’s this; The world teaches us we’re broken. Because by being broken we buy into this way of life that keeps those who are profiting, profiting. We learn our life-force is too much for this world....

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There’s something in you that needs out

There’s something in you that needs out

Heartbroken, I can't find as much beauty as I want in this world. And I think you have it in you. There's something in you that needs out. Because we get so caught up in the everyday life... We always have that last 5...

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This idea is killing me and I want it to stop

This idea is killing me and I want it to stop

When I was in university and out at a bar there wasn’t a single night that passed where I didn’t look around, when I *should* feel most young and alive, and think for a moment, "What’s the point of all this?" I hid my...

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Liberate our secrets and ourselves

Liberate our secrets and ourselves

I've gone from running the My Empowered Body Campaign last year, transitioning to coaching both men and women to rise in love, feeling more expansive than ever before from working with my therapist... and something still...

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A letter to my new lover

A letter to my new lover

Dear lover, I can't remember the exact question you asked or how we got to talking about this, but in that moment it became so clear. You were lying there with your head in my lap, the darkness of the night opening our...

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But you say you want all of me

But you say you want all of me

I am all too aware of what the world wants of me. I know the role I've been given to play and I can easily put on a performance that pleases society. The script I’ve been given have words I’ve memorized to heart. Proper....

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I’m one hungry woman

I’m one hungry woman

I'm one hungry woman. World, I listened to you for too long when you told me women shouldn't get too big. So, I felt bad for wanting more, ignored my body, and denied myself my desires. But I've started listening and...

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Deanne Vincent


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It includes irregularly sent emails about living deeper and actually enjoying life.

Plus, GIFs.