I'm one hungry woman

I’m one hungry woman. World, I listened to you for too long when you told me women shouldn’t get too big. So, I felt bad for wanting more, ignored my body, and denied myself my desires. But I’ve started listening and I’ve decided I’m hungry. I’m hungry for drunken, truthful conversations while sober. I’m starving for women to ignore their “good girl” conditioning. I desire eye contact that scares me a little. I’m a bottomless pit of big questions. I’m ravenous for talking about the things we think about most, even though we’re taught to talk about them the least. I could always make room for a game of “Would You Rather”?. I’m thirsty for being curious and never settling. That’s like water to me.
I crave mind-blowing sex at 4 pm. I don’t think money should be a sometimes dessert for women. They shouldn’t feel guilty for having it. Money should be an included side order. I want an appetizer of endless possibility that satisfies my inner drive but makes me hungry for more. I want breakfast with loved ones and sometimes just one loved one… in bed. I want a dinner of interrupting excited voices, but with pauses and real listening, interjected with laughter coming from my scarred stomach. I want a generous nightcap of love that spills over into every area of my life. And wanting these things doesn’t make me a bad woman. We’re born hungry. Don’t let the world spoil your appetite. I’m one hungry woman and I’m ready to eat because if I die tomorrow I want to die satiated with life. What are you hungry for? 🍴

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