It's time to trust ourselves again

As kids, we learn that everyone else has the answers.


The teacher has the right or wrong solution in school.

There are stats and studies that tell you exactly what to eat and how to optimally move.

There is the police, health care system, government to keep us safe, healthy, and have our best interests as their intention.

So we start to place our trust outside of ourselves.

So much so that we slowly lose our trust within ourselves along the way and become sheep within society.

We gradually override what feels instinctively right or wrong to us with what we “should” or “shouldn’t” do.


We logic our way through life, select from society’s multiple choice answers for personal decisions, and follow the prescription for how to live life thinking that’ll make it all better eventually.


We wrong our gut instinct because it might complicate things and convince ourselves we’ll be happy when instead…


We push down our feelings because it doesn’t make sense, it’s uncomfortable, and we don’t know if they or we can handle it.


We become so disconnected with our truth that we pull away when the good that’s meant for us actually comes because we think it’s too good to be true.


We’ve become unbalanced as a society by trusting outside sources more than ourselves.

Your body knows it.


It can sense something is off.

It’s trying to tell you something.

It’s might be whispering, “There’s more to it.”


(Before your mind jumps in with the next thought because this idea is too uncomfortable!)


But this misplaced trust is starting to show itself with the way the world is today.

Institutions we thought had all the answers so we gave them all our trust; police, healthcare, government, etc, are showing cracks in their illusion of security, control, ideals. They’re human too.


While we’ve lost sight of our responsibility as individuals to also be the protectors, the healers, the leaders.

The way the world is right now is requiring us to wake up.

And I know it’s scary. This isn’t a love and light message. And nor do I have the perfect solution.


That’s why we keep numbing, avoiding, distracting from this.


But that’s how we got to today.


So I do want to talk about it.

The stuff swept under the rug.

The thousands of shades of grey between the binary thinking.

The squirmy topics we’re taught to avoid, especially when you meet your significant other’s family.


Because right now the truth seems scarier than the lies we’ve trusted.


Which is only because we’re not talking about it and because we don’t trust ourselves.


Because if the way we’ve structured the world starts to fall apart, and the answers and institutions that kept everything simple and seemingly safe are no longer serving us, but are instead illusions… then where does that leave us?

(Gosh, sometimes I can’t help but think for a microsecond how ignorance really is bliss.

But we are not the ignorant ones. We’re not here to be. And nor will our hearts let us be.)


It leaves us with truth.

…and yes, the scary unknown.


But that unknown gives us the opportunity.

It gives us the opportunity to become more conscious and intentional.

It gives us the opportunity to have the hard, honest, imperfect conversations. (Hopefully without hubris.)

It gives us the opportunity to rebuild.


As heartbreaking and frustrating as so much is in the news today, it’s catalyzing us as individuals to step up.

We’ve reached this tipping point in the world to create a new one.


But I don’t think we can rely on one organization, one political leader, one new idea to save us all.


In fact, I’m glad we can’t.


Because it’s our time as humans to champion for our humanity.

It’s time to unravel the truth.

It’s time to trust ourselves again.

It’s time to take our power back.

I think the hope for the future of our world lies in each and every human.


It is only our love that can be more fierce than the fear in today’s world.

This liberated love instead of conditioned love will slowly start to change the broken world that told you that you were broken, caused you to mistrust yourself, and sent you down a path seeking answers outside of yourself because you were conditioned to feel lacking within.


The time to be passive about our own life and the lives of those around us are over.


This new way of loving and living as a whole starts one human at a time.


It starts with you, me, him, her, them, us. And everyone in between. Together.

It starts with finding safety within yourself so you don’t hold yourself back anymore.

It starts with meeting all of you, so you can be more you and play bigger first for yourself and then for the more.


It’s already started.


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