Liberate our secrets and ourselves

I’ve gone from running the My Empowered Body Campaign last year, transitioning to coaching both men and women to rise in love, feeling more expansive than ever before from working with my therapist… and something still felt off.

I got really, really frustrated recently.

The world feels superficial and unfeeling. Kate Spade’s passing hit me hard today. And honestly, sometimes I want to give up when it becomes too much for my heart.

There are so many secrets we all keep; weighing us down and keeping us separate.

As someone who kept my scars a secret my whole life, I’m sick of it.

This quote has been everything to me lately;

We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute.
We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race.

And the human race is filled with passion.

And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits
and necessary to sustain life.

But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.

-John Keating (Robin Williams), Dead Poets Society


And I realize I’ve been holding back on my passion lately.

I have a ton of writing I’ve been hoarding – worried that it is “too much” for people, while never being enough myself.

Paralyzed and powerless.

My “too much” writing might make others uncomfortable, it’s not safe to make public, and I want to be liked and loved.

But I can’t keep dreaming of a different world and not do anything anymore.

So, I now vow to… 


go deep with you; feeling and living.
share more of the “too much” with you, even if it makes us uncomfortable, but connected and free.

believe that we’re enough, have enough, and do enough in this world of never enough.


Because I’m on a mission to liberate our secrets and ourselves.

I want to make this world a place to stay alive for. With you.


Join my email club.

It includes irregularly sent emails about living deeper and actually enjoying life.

Plus, GIFs.