[Podcast] On Reclaiming Your Body

For the full(er) story of my 2018 and what I believe in for us as humans, here’s a podcast that I did on “Life in Limbo” with the amazing Stephanie Pellett.

I was awkward at first, but then we laughed, and I also cried.


I talked about pain and pleasure. And a whole bunch of feeling.

It’s 36:36 minutes long, which is crazy because that’s my number. Well, along with 6. Don’t ask. Okay, do. Why 36? I won my first swim race (50m breaststroke) in grade 6 in lane 6 even though my goggles fell off when I jumped in. 6 times 6 is 36.

So this episode being exactly 36:36? The Universe never ceases to amaze me.

After the tears graced my face, this is what I said at around 21:30.


My word for 2018 was pleasure. Which was kind of ironic, because by all means it was the most pleasurable, amazing year that I’ve had to life. But also the most painful. And that’s the idea that Brene Brown talks about; the numbing. I couldn’t have one without the other. It’s that pain that’s so, when you take a step back, and be like, wow, that’s how much I cared, that’s how much I loved, that’s how open I am, that it physically pains my chest. Even though there’s no visceral, I haven’t been stabbed, I haven’t been anything. But *that’s* how powerful the human experience is?! And that’s, that is beautiful. In this world. That we can feel something so strongly, that it’s just overwhelming. And it IS overwhelming that we don’t know how to handle this. But that’s something I think I want to change in this world. If there’s something that friggin’ breaks your heart in this world, good. You know? That’s a beautiful thing and that opens you up. And if that’s a beautiful thing that breaks you is there something you can do about it too.”

…it’s that contrast that gives us what we do want in our life and what we see the potential for humanity to be. And without that pain I don’t think we would care. But if you don’t allow yourself to care about the bad stuff, you can’t get lit up about the good stuff either. And that’s what breaks my heart in this world; that not enough people care in general. Apathy? When people are so numb, so turned off, shut down because they feel like what can I even do when the world seems so overwhelming and I don’t know where to start. But if you just connect inward to who you are and go from that place you can do way more than you can think. And even if it’s just impacting one person. You don’t have to change the world, right? But just starting with one other person? That’s everything.”

Here’s the link to the podcast episode!

Let me know what you think!

To the human experience,


So, uh, I’d love to write you sometime…

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