This bubble has burst

A bubble has burst and it’s this;

The world teaches us we’re broken.

Because by being broken we buy into this way of life that keeps those who are profiting, profiting.

We learn our life-force is too much for this world.

But it’s the world that’s broken, not us.

So in order to fit in and belong we bottle up our feeling, our passion, our fire – as though we need to protect others from this fire of ours. Heaven forbid we make others uncomfortable! We repress and suppress as we play it safe and do what we “should” do.

“Be proper.”
“Be a man.”
“You’re a good girl.”
“Tame yourself, tone down your voice, tuck in your soul.”

, they say.


We’re smart and aware so we know what’s expected of us… and we know how to put on a perfect show.


So we’ve stifled our life-force of a fire and hide our fullest, freest self in exchange for love and acceptance in this world.


Slowly, we’ve become ashamed of how much we feel, think, and desire and bury the people we can be before we’re dead. We’ve censored ourselves and settled. Striving to fit in, play it cool, because all we want is to be loved. We’re so scared of what will happen if we let that something in us out.


But, if you get only one thing from this message I want you to get this – and my heart aches that you really get this – it’s the world that’s broken, not us.

Been feeling like something’s off too? Like there’s a truth that we can’t ignore anymore.


We’re the sensitive ones. Our bodies are starting to tell us. Chronic pain, health issues, addictions, reoccurring schtuff, anxiety… we’re waking up. And the too much life-force of a fire in us can’t be dampened.


(Yes, we can’t help but question whether we’re crazy and it’s simpler to get a normal job, get married, have the house with the white picket fence and 2.5 kids, do the dinner parties and small talk, live for retirement, and just leave your dreams to when you’re sleeping.)

But you’re restless and you know it!


There’s a part of you that knows there’s more to it. You set high standards for yourself and are high-achieving, but it feels empty. You feel way too much and think even more. You never feel at peace. There’s a pent-up simmering in you that you can’t pretend isn’t there anymore. Life is feeling too surface-level and you want more. Something is missing.


I’ve been feeling it lately and I want us to let it out.


Our sensitivity for beauty and deep connection when everyone else is hiding on the surface.
Our vision for a new world when everyone else is caught up in complacency and comfort.
Our fight for the big and little things that matter when everyone else is indifferent.
Our voice about the hard stuff when everyone else is too worried about making a mistake and focused on their own life.

Our belief in love again and again when everyone else is stuck in their head and fearfearfear.


Our life-force of a fire is what might just help heal this broken world.


Yes, we may be too much for those who can’t handle it (yet).
Yes, we may be too much for others who aren’t quite ready for that level of life.

Yes, we may be too much for the ones who benefit from us being broken.


But we’ll never be too much for our people.


The ones who have come alive.
The ones who are on the brink of coming with us.

The people and world that need us now.


This isn’t for the faint-hearted – ha! But you wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t up for it.


Finding your life-force of a fire is when the fun REALLY begins…


It could be intimate/magnetic/mind-blowing sex, speaking up about what breaks your heart in the world today, or an “I always wanted to do this” creative expression in a deeply fulfilling way.


I’ve had calls and conversations this week that have brought butterflies to life in stomachs, sparked goosebumps on arms, and caused chests bursting open.


We all have something in us that needs to be brought to life.


Because you are NOT broken but you ARE here to create what really matters in this broken world.


You have a fire of a life-force within you for a reason. Let it ignite.

So, uh, I’d love to write you sometime…

If the feeling’s mutual and you want blog updates + the inside-est of inside scoops about my life — you know what to do. *motions to click dat button*