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A 9-week small group program crafted to help you develop your productive writing practice that flows so you can express what’s in you and be a writer.

If there are words simmering within you that need out.

If you have a book, story, poem, memoir, blog, or creative idea half or fully formed calling to you.

If you have no writing idea at all but all you know is that you need to write.


Then The Writer’s Way is for you.


Because you need to actually write. Otherwise this fire will burn you alive.

But there’s a problem: you’re not writing in the way you want, need to, and know you can.

Does this sound like you?

  • you’re not sitting down and writing regularly because of a lack of time, resistance, anything
  • you overthink/overanalyze/perfectionize/procrastinate so it would indeed be great… if you ever write it
  • you’re not claiming your identity as a writer
  • you use weak, watered-down words that confuse people instead of your clear, powerful truth
  • you start hundreds of pieces but never finish
  • you dream and plan, and romanticize your potential, but don’t follow through on it because you’re afraid it won’t be as good as you think it is when you do it
  • you feel anxious and worried about people you know seeing your words
  • you seek praise, but equally fear that no one will think you’re a good writer, because you’re in a codependent relationship with the audience
  • you want to connect with other humans who get it that will bring out the best in you to make your writing practice as good as it can be

Then you need to join The Writer’s Way.

The Writer’s Way is about releasing what’s really holding you back from writing in the way you know you can and developing a writing practice that changes your life.

Why me? Why writing?

Hi! I’m Deanne *warmly smiles and shakes your hand*

I always wanted to be a writer. But I never thought it was possible so I denied it and buried it in my body.

When I was given a beautiful journal and pen for my birthday in 2017, I had no idea how it would change my life.

Because when you write, you can’t avoid the truth. And the more you write, the more you end up living your truth.

I worked as a Life Coach but it was my writing practice that got me through the next two years that included two relationship endings and three surgeries to know who I really am and find my way.

Now I’m on a mission to get more people writing.


I believe everyone is a writer.

Everyone has a story to tell, something uniquely powerful to share and so badly needed, and truths burning in them that need to be expressed. When you put a pen to paper you go beyond the surface-level to create more meaning and fullness in your life and meet your true self.

Still wondering why writing? You tell me. You’re reading this for a reason.

Join The Writer’s Way and you’ll know exactly why 😉

Here’s what you’ll get:

Eight Weekly Group Coaching + Co-Writing Calls (Tuesdays from 6:30-8:30 pm EST)

During the first hour, we’ll do hot spot coaching to dissolve any writing blocks. Because we all have them — even if we think we don’t! — but they don’t need to stop you from writing clearly, powerfully, and consistently anymore. We’ll go deeper, further, and faster, together.

Then, during the second hour, we’ll co-write together with a curated non-lyrical playlist and use the zoom chat to work through anything as it comes up. You’ll be open, inspired, and burning to write more than ever before after the coaching hour so let’s put that energy to good use.

At the end, we’ll anchor and integrate what just happened so your writing practice becomes unshakeable after this program is complete.

It’s a small group program with all group calls so you can learn from each other, support each other, and we all go higher. You’re never alone.

One Weekend Writing Workshop (Sunday from 1-4 pm EST)

This workshop will be a “Writing Marathon” (a term I love from Natalie Goldberg). But don’t let the name intimidate you — it will be some of the most fun of this program!

I’ll make up the schedule with short writing sessions for you to work on your project or use the prompts. After each writing session, we’ll go around the room and read what we wrote, with no comments or feedback — good or bad. Then we go onto the next writing session, again and again like that, until we wrap up.

There will be flexibility and passes allowed, of course. But what usually ends up happens is you stop thinking. You simply write and become less and less self-conscious. And with no comments or feedback given you feel more and more free to write anything you want. There is power in writing together.

Let’s get (sh)it done. This will be three hours of you being a writer.


Even though I’m overflowing with ideas to support you, I designed this simple, effective program to give you exactly what you need to actually write, without more “things to do” or any overwhelm. (Because we all have enough of that already.) But… there will be surprises ✨

Note: The week after the Weekend Writing Workshop there won’t be a Tuesday call.

So you can then…

  • commit and carve out time to actually sit down and write (read: accountability — because there’s always something else you can do and it’s always easier to put it off)
  • overcome perfectionism, overthinking, procrastination, doubts, fears, resistance, self-sabotage, and anything else that might come up along the way that will try to stop you from getting it done
  • figure out how to structure your project and how to actually write it so it flooooows and you finish it, and sooner
  • bounce ideas off someone and get out of your own head so you don’t get stuck or waste time down the wrong path
  • be inspired and motivated with others who get it, because you don’t have to do it alone and it *can* be fun 🤯
  • unlock your most clear, authentic, and powerful words, where writing is easier than ever before and you consistently make it happen and put it out there #peace
  • connect to your inner writer and trust yourself so you can access a flow state and claim your own good writing

The Writer’s Way small group program will be starting October 19th, 2021.


Investment: $900 CAD full or two payments of $450 CAD.

Earlybird is $700 CAD (or two payments of $350 CAD) if you sign-up by September 30th, 2021.


Any questions or anything at all? Email me at

What people say about writing with Deanne:

If you’re thinking of joining ANY kind of experience with Deanne, go for it. Just go for it. You won’t ever regret working with her or simply being in her presence. Deanne brings such a grounding, honest energy to all of her work–you’ll never feel scammed or like you’re being pushed to do or be something that you’re not. Deanne has a skill for bringing out the truest version of you in the kindest, deepest, and gentlest way. This is the REAL work of living that you’ll be able to integrate into every part of who you are.”


“Deanne has held me accountable to my writing process. If you’re on the fence about joining, just know that showing up is the first step.”


“If you are feeling disconnected to your inner truth, a writing experience with Deanne feels like the first step in finding your way back to your inner most honest voice. Deanne’s writing sessions are therapeutic, grounding, and cathartic in all the right ways. You can lie to yourself all you want, but the prompts that Deanne comes up with will bring the truth to light whether you want to or not. The truth is jarring, raw, and necessary to diving deep into your inner workings. It is the perfect place for a brain dump if you are ever overwhelmed by all the feelings (or lack of feelings) that take over our day to day lives.”


It’s time to claim your identity as a writer so those words don’t stay stuck in you forever.

If you’re interested and/or want more details, please fill out the form below.

Join the waitlist

11 + 4 =