You don't need to do more personal development work

There’s something I see time and time again that hurts my soul:

People thinking they need to do hours of personal development work each day before and in order for them to do the work they were born to do.

Now, don’t get me wrong — I’m all about growth, learning + unlearning, and doing the work.

But it’s a myth that you need to get into perfect alignment or be in a flow state or be divinely inspired or be in the right mood and feel good before or in order to ______.

It’s a trap laid by your small self to make you believe that you need to do more personal development work before you can write a book, meet your person and fall in love, run your dream business, etc etc. A trap that keeps you on the hamster wheel of healing in order to stop you from showing up, enjoying life, and creating something greater than you. A trap that slows you down and delays your success. And it’s especially insidious because it doesn’t say it’s never possible, it whispers “Not yet.”

And the dark side of personal development work is that it can be another form of control. As though if you do all the work and heal yourself then you will get everything you want and you will never feel any negative emotion ever again. I know I tried to use it as control before. I thought if I ate or didn’t eat certain foods then my body wouldn’t grow any more cysts, if I was high vibe before posting anything/sending an email/talking with a client then my business would be successful, and if I healed my wounds then he wouldn’t leave me again. I thought personal development meant I could guarantee the outcomes I wanted and never feel pain or struggle again.


But the truth is that you don’t need to do more personal development work, be perfect, or control anything.

The only thing you need to do is learn how to hold yourself through any ups and downs, all your emotions, your human-y human self, and whatever happens in your life so you know you can handle anything AND simultaneously and consistently do the work you were born to do.

And I can help you with this.

Through my multiple surgeries, having my own business for over six years, and an on-and-off rollercoaster relationship I’ve learned that I can handle anything. I know I can be imperfect, messy, grumpy, sad, happy, overflowing, off AND do, have, and experience things I used to think I didn’t deserve. And so can you.

I want to teach you how to be grounded, unshakeable, and deeply okay through the highs and the lows so you can do and have things you might think aren’t possible and hold more than you ever thought you could handle (both good and bad) so you stop self-sabotaging at the slightest off mood or bad text or another person’s problems.

If you’re sick of falling for your small self’s sneaky traps that keep you stuck and instead want to learn how to stay steady and consistent no matter what happens so you can do what you know you need to do, apply to work with me here.

You deserve to get off the hamster wheel and live a life that you enjoy at the same time as you do the work you were born to do, and reap the rewards.

Truth and love,



Deanne Vincent


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